Friday, 20 November 2009

*Introducing.... THE HIGH WIRE

The Lowdown: Three-piece-sweethearts playing warm and fuzzy popgaze
Most Likely to: Be asked about My Bloody Valentine in interviews
Least Likely to: Tour with Iron Maiden
Stop me if you think...: Lush, MBV, Zero 7
Try: 'Hit a Low'
Advert: 'Odds and Evens' out November 23rd
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Monday, 16 November 2009

One-for-the-Playlist: No.5 - LUSH

NEW feature detailing highly recommended hidden gems, forgotten album tracks, and one hit wonders from past to present.

WHO?       Lush
WHEN?      Nineties
WHAT?     Female-fronted band who did an obligatory Britpop record in 1996 but started out as far more interesting shoegazers
WHICH?    'Superblast' from Spooky
WHY?        Faithful reproduction of the My Bloody Valentine blueprint (sweet female harmonies + barely audible drums + guitar noise) given a punkier kick up the backside
WHERE?!; Spotify
Blogged with the Flock Browser